Compilation on UNIX systems
You can get sources from svn using the command :
svn co ario
You can also browse ario sources.
You can compile it using:
make -s
And install it with:
make install
Compilation on Microsoft Windows
You need to follow these steps to compile Ario on windows:
- Install Code::Blocks. Code::Blocks is the tool used to compile Ario (with mingw32 compiler)
- Create an empty directory to contain your project. (For example c:\myproject\)
- Get Ario sources on SVN ( You can use any svn tool for Windows (like TortoiseSVN). Put these sources in c:\myproject\ario
- Get the various dependencies of Ario. You can get all the needed files centralized in one zip on sourceforge. Extract this zip file in c:\myproject\. This should create c:\myproject\deps and c:\myproject\bin-deps.
- You will then be able to compile Ario using Code::Blocks.
You can help translating Ario very easily thanks to the Ario translation page on launchpad.